If your honey won't do it, honey do will!!

Your personal home maintenance company.

Quality work

 Reasonable price

Reliable Fast Service

Proven track record



learn about Me

view our work

Douglas E. Jordan

providing Central New York

with professionalism service since starting "Honey Do" Repair and Projects in 1998




Check out samples of my work.

I work on small individual projects and repairs that large contractors put aside.


Quality service Guaranteed: 315-625-5189

"Honey Do" Repair and Projects

Problems always creep up and if you don't have the know how or time to solve them it can be really intimidating.

I understand that and I'm here to help: whether it be a light bulb fixture on the fritz, a door handle that won't cooperate, or some drywall that needs TLC, you can depend on me.

Chances are your problem isn't something I haven't seen before.

I work with a team of handymen of all trades to take care of all of your needs.

I'm here when you need a hand.....

*insurance claims are welcome*

*10% senior discount*

*Free estimates*

*insurance estimates available*


*Member of Angie's List*


I service areas from

Adams to Nedrow

Hannibal to Rome/Oneida

and all areas inbetween

Emergencies: 315-263-9620